- A minimum of 80% of attendance is mandatary to claim eligibility to appear for University examination.
- It should not be only attendance but it should be physical, mental and emotional presence that is more required to understand and to have effective interaction.
- Chronic absentees will be viewed seriously by the college authorities which may amount to detention from examination.
- Attendance for monthly tests, seminars and mid term exams is compulsory for all students to claim eligibility to appear for University Examination.
- All students should imbibe, inculcate, and radiate the qualities of a professional medical student, in the college, Hospital and also in the society.
- Misbehavior and misconduct, or any indecent act in any form towards other students, teachers or even non-teaching staff, shall not be tolerated which may amount to termination from the college.
- Students are informed to involve in activities to build the moral of an individual and the institution in general.
- The College authority strongly condemns pan chewing, star gutka, smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse in the college premises. It is applicable to all individual in the institution.
- Cell phones are not allowed in the college premises, if found in use it becomes the property of University hence better switch off cell phones in college premises.
- Descent and disciplined behavior will be identified and appreciated periodically. Scholar in academics, cultural and sports activities will be identified and awarded periodically.
- The list will increase as and when becomes necessary to upgrade the quality of students and the institution as a whole.
Ragging is strictly Prohibited
Central council of Homoeopathy has suggested to follow inplementation of supreme court’s verdict May 2001 order containing guidelines to curb ragging in educational institutions. Ragging is strictly banned in this institution, in hostels both of boy’s and girls, anyone found indulging in such activities of ragging is likely to be punished appropriately which may amount to fine, with public apology, or expulsion from the institution or imprisonment. This fact is also brought to the notice of parents and/or guardians, so that they shall co-operate during crisis to curb ragging throughout the nation and preserve the harmony in the institution and harmony among the student population.
“Quality is never by accident, it is always the outcome of tough efforts & sincere present work”